Wednesday, May 9, 2007

1 Dollar and 100 Dollar Bill

Portion For Reading Matt 6:33
One day, a one dollar bill and a hundred dollar bill got folded together and began talking about their life experiences. The hundred dollar bill began to brag: "I've had a great life," he said.

"I've been to all the big hotels, Donald Trump himself used me at his casino, I've been in the wallets of Fortune 500 board members, I've flown from one end of the country to the other! I've even been in the wallet of two Presidents of the United States, and once when Princess Diana visited the US, she used me to buy a packet of gum."

In awe, the dollar humbly responded, "Gee, nothing like that has ever happened to me, ...but I have been to church a lot!"

Same way many times some childres boast about Spider Man, Super Man or Harry Porter and many things in this world, and even about there Dad who might be a CEO of a Company or may be they stay in big Mansions or more about there dresses and offcourse all about how they look.

But by the God's Grace do not worry like the One Dollar bill, who answers wisely, likewise we may also answer by thanking God, and say ...i may not have the world, but i have Jesus Christ in my heart, who has cleansed my sins and made me Holy and still forgives all my sin, and Jesus has promised through his word that if i promise to seek his kingdom and righteousness, then he will add all that i needed in my life. So, lets boast about Jesus Christ!

Activity For Today: Matthew Chapter One
