Friday, May 11, 2007

Pray And Then Work

Reading : Psalm 141:1-3

A mammoth 747 jetliner, while flying over the Pacific, sustained a gigantic tear on its side, ejecting nine passengers to their deaths, and threatening the lives of all. When the pilot, Captain David Cronin, was interviewed, having brought the craft back safely to Honolulu, he was asked,

"What did you do when the place ripped open? How did you cope?" Captain Cronin replied, "I prayed, then went to work."

My brethren, this is an inspired plan for each of us to follow:

"Pray, and then go to work."

Same way we need to pray before we leave our house and go for our classes and tutions and evening activities, so that God can save us from all the calamities that can come on the way, because no accidents and calamaties comes by prior appointments, so prayer is the answer that can shield us from all.

"Pray, and then go to work."

Activity for Today: Week End Special

Source:Thomas S. Monson