Monday, June 25, 2007

Masters Touch

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. 1 Tim 2:20-21

Once an auction was going on and all the stuffs kept were auctioned for very high prices. Then came the turn of a violin to be auctioned and it was dusty and out of tune. The auctioneer with an expression of repulsion picked it up and asked the public, how much would they bid for it. There was a deep silence since no one was interested to buy it. Then one person in the crowd feeling pity and out of his mercy bid one dollar and then two more dollars. Which brought up the price of the violin up to three dollars. And the auctioneer began to count going once, going twice and before he could say three an old man got up from the back of the room and walked up to the front. He took the violin in his hand wiped it down clean and tuned it. He then started to play a well known melodious tune and in a moment there was only the sound of the violin to be heard and all the congregation was captured by it. When he was done playing the tune there was a great cloud of applaud, and tears rolled down some cheeks.

Then the auctioneer asked once again who would like to bid for this violin. People pounced to bid for it, one by one the voices rose and finally the bid ended. The cost of the violin came to $ 3300. Yet astonished at this some began to murmuring and questioning that what made a violin so dirty and worth only $3 rise up to the cost of $3300. And slowly from the crowd itself came a whisper it was nothing else but the Master’s Touch.

So today if you find yourself like this violin and you think that you are not good enough or smart. Just ask Jesus Christ our Master to touch you and help you to grow in Him. So that he can make you useful and beautiful just like the violin.

By : Ss

Activity For The Day - Finding Bible Verses