Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Potter and Clay

"O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?" declares the LORD. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. JEREMIAH 18:6

Hey do you know who a potter is? He or she is a person who uses clay to make pots. And before the potter makes a pot, the potter plans and makes each pot in a unique way. Even though the pots are made with different colors of clay, but when we look at them they all might seem the same to us. But when ask the potter if there is any difference between the pots? The potter would tell us the differences and the purpose they are made for.

Just like a potter makes some pots for noble use and some for common use, in the same way God has made us for common and for noble purpose. And just like the potter used different colored clay in the same way God has made us also all in different colors. Every person you see around you is a beautiful but unique creation of God. As each of our finger prints and eyes are unique, in the same way each one us has our own identity and personality.

God has made us all for a purpose and he has given us all unique features and talents. We should always pray to God to show us the purpose that he needs accomplished through us. And how to use our unique talents he has given us.


Activity For The Day - Cross Word Puzzle