Wednesday, July 18, 2007

He Bears Our Burdens For Us

Theme: We don't have to bear our burdens! We can give them to the Lord.

Scripture: Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:19

School will start soon and I am sure most of you will be back into your daily routine. I know that most of you use a backpack to carry all of your school supplies and books back and forth to school. I have seen some children with backpacks that are almost as big as they are! Sometimes their backpacks are so loaded with all those heavy books that it is just about more than they can carry!

Life is a lot like that too. Sometimes we have some pretty heavy burdens that we try to carry around with us. Some of you may be worried that you won't have any friends in your class, or that the other kids won't like you, or that you just won't fit in. Maybe some of you are worried that you won't have the right clothes. Maybe you are still wearing a "Star Wars" t-shirt and all the other kids are wearing "Pokemon" t-shirts. Maybe some of you are worried that you might not be able to do the work in your new grade and are afraid you might fail. Those can be pretty heavy problems to carry around with us.

Well, I have some good news for you! You don't have to carry all those worries around with you! The Bible tells us that God will carry those burdens for us. So, even before you start your schools with a load of worries and problems, today itself you can give them to Jesus. He will carry them for you and help you through your problems. Pray to Jesus that Lord, we are giving you all our worries and problems today. And we are thankful that we do not have to carry the heavy burdens of life ourselves. We are thankful that you are there for us to help us through and carry our burdens. Amen.

Source : sermons4kids

Activity For The Day - Jesus The Name Above All Names