Monday, April 16, 2007

The Apple of Your Eye

Portion for Reading: "Keep me as the apple of your eye..." Psalm 17:8

The apple of an eye refers to the pupil of the eye. A very delicate part of the body that is essential for vision and requires protection. When the eye is threatened, one will both close the eyelid and raise their hand in protection of that eye. Another aspect of the pupil is that when we view someone with our eyes, that person is inscribed within our brains. Likewise, Psalm 17:8 tells us, that we have been indelibly inscribed on God¹s mind and he will keep us there, for He views us as the apple of His eye. His love for us is never ending, it is impossible for Him to forget his children for we are inscribed on His mind.

What a blessed thought this is! He will protect us as they very apple of His eye. Zechariah 2:8 says "whoever touched you touches the apple of my eye..." it goes on to tell of His defense of us and how we are safe from our enemies because of His protection. God values us as a most precious part of himself and He will guard and protect us as such.

Father, thank you for keeping me as the apple of your eye. Thank you for the assurance that you will never forget me, you will never let me down, you will never cease to protect me. Thank you, Lord, for your unending love and care. Amen

Activity for Today: Universal Truth