Friday, April 27, 2007

What is the Trinity

What is the Trinity?
In a nutshell, there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit. The three persons of the Godhead are coequal and co-eternal (Genesis 1:26, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19, Luke 1:35, Hebrews 3:7-11, and 1 John 5:7).

Example to Understand Trinity Of God.
1. A book has length, width, and thickness. The length is not the book’s width, the width is not the book’s thickness. These three dimensions can be described separately, yet they are connected together. If you remove one dimension, you are no longer describing a book. In the same way, the Godhead has three separate members that are connected together, and if you try to remove one you no longer have the Godhead.

2.The egg fails in that the shell, white and yoke are parts of the egg, not the egg in themselves. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not parts of God, each of them is God.

3.The water illustration is somewhat better, but still fails to adequately describe the Trinity. Liquid, vapor and ice are forms of water. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not forms of God, each of them is God. So, while these illustrations may give us a picture of the Trinity, the picture is not entirely accurate or complete. An infinite God cannot be fully described by a finite illustration.

Here are the basics of the doctrine of the Trinity:
1. In the one divine nature, there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
2. No one of the persons is either of the others, each is wholly himself.
3. The Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God.
4. They are not three Gods but one God.

So, Kids next time don't get confuse with questions like who is Jesus, Who is Father and then Who is the Holy Spirit? They are not three Gods but one God. So as we learnt yesturday about how to pray, like wise pray always to your Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus and with the help of Holy Spirit. Amen

Activity for Today: Color the Trinity Picture

Source: Clarifying Christianity &