Saturday, April 7, 2007


To Remember: Jesus wants us to be happy


Blessed: happy, shown favor
Parables: earthly stories to teach a spiritual lesson Lesson - Read Matt 5:1-12

Jesus spent a lot of his time on earth teaching. He often drew large crowds of people who were amazed by the things he said. Perhaps the most famous record we have of this is called the Sermon on the Mount. The beginning of Matthew 5 is called the Beatitudes. It lists the type of person who is happy. Let’s read it.

Passage Of The Day - Matthew 5:1-12

Jesus taught that we can all develop these attitudes. Some people today say they can’t help how they act, but that’s not true. We all have control over what we say, think, and do. Jesus knows what will make us happy, or blessed, because He made us. In this lesson he taught that we would be happy if we are meek (obedient), peaceful (not arguing a lot), pure (not dirtied by sin), merciful (forgiving and generous), interested in truth. He also taught that even if we suffered or were sad for His sake, He would reward His people, and comfort them.

Activity For The Day - Match The Picture To The Verse
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