Friday, April 6, 2007

The Foolish Monkey

There are many types of monkey which can be captured with nothing more than a clear glass jar and a bananna. The clear jar contains an opening just large enough for the open hand of the monkey to pass through. The bananna is placed inside the glass jar and then the jar is placed where the monkey can see it near the tree.

The curious monkey reaches into the glass jar and grasps the bananna but then finds his hand will no longer pass through the opening while he clings to his prize. The monkey fights to free his hand but will not drop the bananna and is therefore easily captured. This is a fun story - but I don't really think it's true. Monkeys are actually much smarter than this illustration makes them appear. But I wonder how many of us are being trapped in similar ways.

The world is packed full of "trappings" which attract us and keep us from surrendering to Jesus as Lord. We are continually enticed to follow "The Road to Happiness" with promises of pleasure and power; but if we look closely we can see that many times to gain something of the world we tend to loose our true freedom and what Jesus Christ has to offer us.

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2:15). If we want to find the freedom of true life, we must have a faith which allows us to lose our life to the will of our Lord - we must be willing to let go of our shiny stones. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. (1 John 2:17).
Activity for Today: Fruit of the Spirit
Note: Please hit the numbers first and then Hit Peek 1 Letter.